Remember When...
So much has changed the last 20 years! I remember when you could fill up your tank for less than $20. I used to make a lot of trips up to Los Angeles to party during senior year! I remember when we had to write a term paper we had to use a TYPEWRITER or actually HANDWRITE our paper! If we had to do research for a topic, we had to spend some time in the LIBRARY to look up information. I remember when we had to use PAY PHONES if you were out and about and needed to make a call. I remember when we used to write each other LETTERS! I remember when we would make SLOW JAM TAPES or MIX TAPES the old fashioned way! I remember when we used to PILE INTO OUR CARS and not use seatbelts! We even used to seat on peoples laps! I remember when we would pile into the back of someone's truck and head to the beach! I remember $1 days at the movies. I remember when MTV only played music videos! I remember when kids could play outside for hours and parents didn't have to worry about them. Those were the good old days!
Tracy Dy